Say hello to

the Social stager 

go from zero to hero with this 60-day instagram program designed specifically FOR home stagers, REALTORS AND INTERIOR DECORATORS WHO WANT TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS ONLINE.

Do you feel the same way?

You're tired of staring at your Instagram page, feeling unsure about what to post next. You find yourself wondering how some businesses grow their following and client base using Instagram while you're left in the dust?

start cracking the instagram code

A Proven Solution For:

Home Stagers, Interior Decorators & Realtos who are trying to gain followers, build engagement & generate leads & sales from Instagram. 

I know that it can feel frustrating and overwhelming when you don't have the right strategy or support from people who have been there and done that.

But building your brand or business and growing your following on social media MAXIMIZES your marketing potential, gives you the ability to reach your ideal audience without chasing them down and - most importantly - ensures you can wake up and do what you love every, single, day.

So, if you are …


A home stager wanting to grow your following & generate leads & sales from social media


An interior decorator who wants to grow her biz on the 'gram without spending hours & hours on marketing


A business owner who wants to connect with her local market & grow her connections organically


An ambitious & creative entrepreneur who has dreams of standing the local marketplace & building a memorable brand


A realtor who wants to level up her marketing to generate qualified leads on demand (without the added cost of ads)


A small business owner with big dreams for your business but you’re unclear on how to leverage the power of social media to support your vision of success.

You're in the right place.

“The Social Stager program was a huge help for my Instagram and Facebook pages. It was very eye-opening to see the engagement go up on posts that I would not have thought would be interesting to people. This program was a great tool for me!”

kristy l.

if you want to grow your business online …

You need a social media strategy that works. 

When you look at what most home stagers, decorators or realtors are doing - many of them are either ‘following the crowd’ or posting without a plan of how to attract their ideal audience.

When you do come across an account that is growing and thriving, it's not because they are more talented or experienced than you.

It's because they have a social media strategy that works.

And that's exactly what I provide you with inside the Social Stager Program.

The Social Stager Program

Makes it Easy to Grow Your Business & Build Your Brand on Social Media

By following my content plan and social media strategy, you'll harness the power of the Instagram algorithm and set your business up for success.

Repeat after me

You are worthy.

You are capable of creating content that resonates with your audience and learning how to turn those followers into leads & clients.

You can—and will—attract the following you need to build a profitable business.

I Want to Grow My Business on Instagram, But …

  • “I don't have time to create content.”
  • “I'm terrifed that I don't have anything valuable to say or share.”
  • “No one ever sees or engages with my posts.”
  • “I'm too new to the business. I can't compete with other professionals.”


Listen, these are just a few things that my clients told me before starting The Social Stager Program.


I could tell they were frustrated and overwhelmed with social media marketing … and ready to give up.

It starts with the right plan, framework, and messaging.

This isn’t about posting content for posting's sake.


This is about posting with intention and following a plan that was designed to help you build your brand and grow your business on social media.


So you can attract a following of people who actually want to buy from you. 


In this program, you will get my tried-and-true content framework  + social media engagement strategy so that you can grow on the 'gram and convert followers into clients.

It's Not Your Fault if You Aren't Suceeding on Social Media

Without a proven framework + strategy to follow, it's easy to end up wasting your time on social media. You can be struggling with:


  • Imposter Syndrome + Damaging Self Doubt that keeps you stuck in your head and feeling like you just don't measure up.
  • Lack of Understanding of how Instagram works & more importantly, how it can work for you
  • Conflicting & Confusing Advice from marketing gurus who don't understand your business or your industry
  • A Lack of Time because you're actually trying to run a business which makes it tough for you to show up consistently online.
  • Zero Social Media Training that helps you create a winning social media marketing plan that is dialed into your business.

I get it. I've been there too.

The Good News Is - There's a Solution.

I designed and created The Social Stager Program to help you overcome all these obstacles and challenges …

… so that when you follow my proven program, you'll harness the power of the Instagram algorithm and set your business up for success. In just 60 days, you'll be growing consistently on social media and getting leads and sales - all without spending hours online or paying for costly ads.



I'm a successful entrepreneur and small business owner who built, ran & successfully marketed my own 6-figure home staging company and online nutrition business. Over the past 15 years of running my businesses online, I've learned the social media strategies that are critical to helping small businesses succeed and become profitable in the digital world.


I have a passion for helping others succeed and thrive. That's why I'm sharing the strategies I've learned in this program - so you can know exactly what to do & how to do it so that you can build your brand and a profitable business online.

kind words from clients

“I was a little nervous at first but as soon as I got into the program I was floored. The Social Stager program helped me understand the platform better and not only that, gave me a plan that - when I followed it - helped me grow my account from 0 - 3K followers in just 30 days.”

—Kallie W.

“I was fairly new to Instagram and to running my business. The Social Stager's content plan - complete with captions - helped me show up with confidence every day. My first reel EVER got 10K views and I've already had new clients DM me about setting up consults.”

—Marie B.

“I’ve been following what everyone else is doing on Instagram for awhile, without getting results.  A good friend told me about the Social Stager program andI’m so thankful that I committed to reinventing my Instagram strategy (I had none!) and trying this program. Since I started, I've gained over 2K new followers and landed a new client.”

—Tanya C.

“I tried this program, not knowing what to expect and hoping that it would help me get my business off the ground. I'm brand new to staging and I just wanted a plan that wasn't too difficult to follow. I'm following all the strategies and can't believe just how much my account is growing and engagement my posts are getting.”

—Nancy P.

Give Me 8 Weeks, I'll Transform Your Social Media Presence

Are you getting excited yet?


the social


Your solution to mastering Instagram and converting followers into clients. The Social Stager is a 60-day content + engagement strategy plan designed specifically for home stagers, realtors and interior decorators. It will help you build your personal brand on Instagram, differentiate yourself from the competition, and grow your following.


I know what you're thinking: “I've tried it all. Nothing works.” That's where The Social Stager stands out. It's not a generic social media strategy; it's an Instagram growth accelerator crafted specifically for ambitious and driven home stagers, realtors and interior decorators who want to build their business online. 


Let’s take a look at what’s inside



zero to hero content plan

With my 60-Day content plan, you'll get a content framework that maps out exactly what to post every day so that you share a mix of content that will attract, nurture & educate your ideal audience.

With daily content prompts for both your Instagram feed and Stories, you'll know exactly what type of content to share and what format to share it in. No more guesswork!

Not only that - I've also included captions to go with your content that you can customize to fit your brand, making content creation easy-peasy.

This program will save you hours and hours of time, and also help you show up like the pro you are, sharing content that will resonate with your audience. #winning


social strategy savvy

Sharing content is only half the equation to growing your business on social media. It also requires that you “be social” in order to reach your goals. I'm going to teach you my social savvy strategy that will help you attract new followers, build relationships with your audience & sell your services and products through Instagram Stories.

This strategy is powerful. Once you start using it, you're going to notice that not only is your account growing but that your followers are engaging with you, sending you DM's and taking action to work with you.


profile power-up

First impressions count. Your Instagram profile is not (just) about aesthetics. It's about strategically crafting your profile to align with your brand, attract your ideal clients, and set you up for success.

I'll walk you through how to power-up your profile so that your brand stands out and is optimized to attract your ideal client.

From profile optimization to feed aesthetics, you'll learn how to create a social media profile that tells your ideal client that they're in the right place as soon as they find you.


brand Building on the 'gram

Building your brand on social media is essential for any small business that has dreams of growing and getting clients online.

I'm going to teach you how to do that in a way that helps you stand out in your marketplace and give you step-by-step roadmap to leveraging both storytelling and Instagram tools to build brand recognition, trust & loyalty.


The average person spends over 140 minutes on social media every day. 
Your ideal clients are out there
—waiting for you.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.

You’ll learn how to...

Confidently show up on Instagram sharing value-based content without any hesitation.


Design a  profile and feed that is aesthetically gorgeous and optimized to attract your ideal client.


Engage & get social in a way that will grow your account, build engagement & have your followers taking action to work with you.


Show up consistently with a content and social media strategy designed to grow your business instead of trying to figure it out on your own or waiting for creative inspiration.


Develop your personal brand, build trust & authority with your followers and stand out in a crowded marketplace.


Build engagement from the right followers who need your services.

Ok, so how can i access thIS PROGRAM?

The kind of knowledge contained in this program can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to give you education that actually works—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the Social Stager plus the Supercharged Social Media Kit for only.


Reg. $597

Limited time only free bonus

The supercharged social media Kit


Wait, there’s more? That’s right friend

In addition to the Social Stager Program where I'm spilling all of my social media secrets, I’m also including a bonus collection of bonus Instagram must-have guides.

Starting with a guide that will walk you through the Secrets to creating Viral Reels to supercharge your Insta account.

You'll also receive my brand new Hashtags Hacks guide highlighting the best hashtag hacks top brands are using right now to stop viewers from scrolling and 10X their following.

In my Instagram Anayltics Deep Dive, I'll teach you how to understand those stats and information and leverage them to grow your account.

And - last, but not least - I'm giving you the deets on how to leverage Instagram Giveaways (the right way) to massively grow your account.

A $399 value—yours today FREE when you purchase the Social Stager Program!

real talk

The Social Stager is Not for Everyone.

Who it's not for

Business owners who are not in the home staging, interior decorating or real estate industries.

Business owners in the above niches who already have an established social media strategy & don't want to spend time/energy on organic marketing.

Business owners who are over-capacity with clients + business opportunities and are not accepting new ones any time soon.

Business owners who are not interested in building brand awareness through social media.


How much time will this save me?

How many hours do you spend trying to come up with both a social media strategy + the daily content ideas to help you achieve your marketing goals?  

This program saves you ALL that time and frees it up so you can simply  follow my proven social media strategy, create the content, schedule it, and get on with your day. Not only that but you get the right mix of content to grow, nurture, and convert your ideal audience.

Do I need any fancy tech to complete this program?

No fancy tech. The Social Stager requires that you have a business Instagram account, access to a computer, smartphone and Canva (ideally Canva Pro). 

Also highly recommended is a scheduling tool so you can consistently share content while still running your biz. I provide recommendations for my favorite scheduling tools inside the program.

Is there a guarantee?

I'm making it as easy as possible to try out The Social Stager and make sure it's the right fit for you with my 5-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you don't feel its the right fit for you, I'll happily issue you a full refund.


Conditions apply  For more information on our policies, please read our Terms and Conditions.

I'm new to my industry - will I be able to do this program?

If you are new to your industry then the only prerequisites for this program are: you need to have created a business plan + branding & ideal client foundation. In this program, we assume you've done that work. already.

If you know how to use Instagram and are familiar with Canva, you'll do great. I've provided all the tools you need to create content that will resonate with your ideal audience. As long as you put aside a few hours a week to follow the plan I've provided, you'll be successful.

Is everything available immediately?

Absolutely. After you purchase the program, you'll get a link to set up an account in our members area and from there you'll be able to access all the program materials.

Additionally, after purchase you'll also get an email confirming you're in the program with a link in case you missed seeing it after purchase.

This way you can start reviewing the program right away!

What if I need more support?

I fully believe that the Social Stager offers everything you need to get started and complete this program on your own.

That said, I understand if you're new to social media or simply want 1:1 support to help you maximize the results of this program, I can help.

In my coaching package, The Content Strategist, I include The Social Stager Program along with 1:1 support sessions.

 Check it out here.

Imagine this, after just 8 weeks, you could …


have the confidence to post

on social media without all the imposter syndrome, self-doubt and anxiety keeping you stuck.


watch your account grow

as you reach new people consistently and share content that has them liking, sharing & engaging with your posts and stories.


get consistent leads

and DM's from prospective clients who are seeing your content, loving your brand & eager to learn more about working with you.


stand out in your industry

with branded content that differentiates you from your competitors and which speaks to your ideal client about the value your services provide.

Now is
Your Time

You deserve to have support with growing your business on social media. 

Too many small business owners try to “go it alone” when it comes to growing their business on social media. They follow the crowd and waste time trying to be like everyone else instead of focusing on building their own brand and differentiating themselves from the competition.

And while you could be thinking you're saving money by DIY-ing your way through social media - you're really costing yourself precious time and losing out on sales.

What if you could be building your brand on social media, growing your audience and paving the way to getting more leads and sales inside of 8 weeks time?

Without  all the guesswork and hours wasted searching Google or scrolling through Facebook or YouTube to get the help you need.

That's the reality of The Social Stager Program.

I firmly believe you don't have to do this on your own. Enroll today for a proven strategy. I'd love to support you on your journey, and I know I can deliver results.


It’s time to up your social media game.